Transmission line

Compare to a blood vessel, High Voltage Transmission line transmit electricity to consumers. 
Being responsible for the maintenance of transmission line network, VASE is capable to render service for high voltage transmission line up to 500KV. 


I.  Preventive Maintenance
-  Thermovision Check: Check for loose connection of equipment and transmission line by detecting the heat radiating from bad contact point either occurred by corrosion or loosening of nuts or bolts.
-  Tower Grounding Resistance Check: Check for grounding resistance of tower to prevent damages from lightning as well as analysing and improving grounding system.
-  Puncture Test: Check insulator puncture arising from lightning or pollution including analysing the cause of damage.
II.  Corrective Maintenance
-  Repair transmission line and towers
-  Transmission line stringing 
-  Replace insulator and hardware
III.  Commissioning Transmission Lines