SCADA System

SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) also known as Industrial Control System (ICS): computer systems that monitor and control industrial, infrastructure, or facility based processes, in our case power generation. With many years of experience, VASE has installed thesystem in many substations around Lao PDR.
   SCADA System is consisted of:
        • Computerized Control System (CCS)
        • Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)
        • Available for Control Center to substations
        • Including basic SCADA functions: data acquisition, MMI, alarm and event log, etc.
        • Including basic SCADA preparing tools: DBMS, Online Picture Generator, etc.
        • Special SCADA functions are available: Auto Voltage Control, Group Control, Shedding Scheme, etc.
        • Compatible with on-shelf hardware
        • Acquisition and processing of technological data.
        • Including functions: Communication functions, providing the data exchange with the
         control center.
        • After sales warranty including periodic inspection.
        • Spare parts are provided
           •  Provide consulting service in SCADA System
         • Install and inspect Remote terminal Unit