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The headworks of houay Kapheu  HHP  is  located in Houay Kapheu  river,being a 1rst branch river of Sedon river,belonging to Xiengmai village,Lao Ngam district of Saravane province . Dam site is proposed to construct about 20 Km from Pakxong to south, 45 Km from Pakse to south west,about 14 Km from Laongam to north, 60 Km from Sekong to north east .It is geographical coordinates are within: 15°21'18" Northern latitude and 106°9'42" longitude

The  catchment area is 24 Km2.

a) Group of Houay Kapheu ‘s reservoir:


Normal water level of reservoir : 923 m

Dead water level  is 914 m

Area of reservoir surface confirming to NWL is 0.48  Km2.

Weir crossing river:

Type of weir : central little pervious core earth dam

Max dam height : 32.05 m

Crest elevation   : 928 m

Crest length        : 230m


Chute width : 15 m

Chute length: 138 m

Difference elevation : 33 m

Stilling basin length: 35 m

b) Power conduct:

Approach Channel, Power intake, Headrace canal, Forebay, Penstock, Power station

c) Houay Chalang weir: Pondage, Weir, Water intake,

d) Houay Pasiew weir:   Pondage, Weir, Water intake

e) Tail waterirrigation works:  regulating pond before weir, regulating weir,irrigation area

f) Transmission line 22 kV

Installed capacity :  5 MW

Annual average energy output : E0 = 22.39 x 106 KWh

Turbine type : horizontal Pelton

Number of units :  Z = 2 units

FIRR : 11.2%

EIRR : 10.5 %

Payback period : 24 years

Total investment cost estimate : 13,722,000 USD

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