by Super User
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Hits: 474

The Lower Xepain HHP is expected to locate on Nam Xepian river at location of HinLat village, Sanamsai district Sekong province. Dam site will be constructed at location where is about 40 Km from Attapeu provincial center to the west and about 80 Km  far from PaKse District, Champasack province. Normal water level is 102 m and dead water level  is 101m. It is geographical coordinates are within: 14°44'56" Northern Latitude and 106°27'04" longitude

Installed capacity :  14.8 MW

Annual average energy output : E0 = 61.65   x 106 KWh

Turbine type : Francis

Number of units :  Z = 2 units

FIRR : 10.32%

EIRR : 11.03 %

Payback period : 17 years

Total investment cost estimate : 34,600,000 USD

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