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The Dakchaliou I HPP  is expected to locate on Nam PaGnou river  and its tributary stream in the vicinity of Dakchung District, Sekong province. Dam site will be constructed at location where is about 20 Km from Dakchung District and 10 Km  far from Vietnam - Lao border into the west, 120 Km from Sekong Province into the northeast in the route. The project is expected to construct at site between Sekaman3 Damsite  and power house . It is geographical coordinates are within: 15°22'50.41"to15°24'3.79"Northern latitude and107°24'46.26" to 107°24 '47.91" longitude The catchment area of Dakchaliou I   at dam site is 170 Km2. Normal water level is 535 m and Dead water level  is 534m. Area of reservoir surface confirming to NWL is 0.03  Km2.

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